Thursday, November 1, 2012

Status Update 2012

A disability can happen to anyone, at any time in their lives.  More than 15% of Canadians have a disability – including disabilities we cannot see.  We have a social services system that tries to do its best but many of the people who need services cannot get access to them.

Here’s the good news: When we help people with disabilities, we are helping everybody.

Welcome.  My name is Danish Ahmed, and I am the Leader of the Party for People With Special Needs.  Over the last five years we have worked hard to make a difference for families affected by family members with disabilities.  We ran in the last two provincial elections, raising awareness by highlighting relevant issues and pointing to solutions that empower everyone in our society.

For example, many people with disabilities are unable to complete their tax returns and get their government benefits, like the HST refund.  We have been providing FREE tax return services to ensure that everyone receives all the disability benefits and tax credits they are entitled to.  We can do your income tax too, free of charge!

By showing people how they can revise their taxes we have helped families like yours receive over $2.4 million dollars in refunds they would otherwise not have received.  Canada's Registered Disability Savings Program is a good news story.  This very generous federal program was a result of 5 years of lobbying government by our party members.

Unfortunately, this program is set up in a way that prevents many people with disabilities from being accepted into the program.  There is too much bureaucracy and too much paperwork just to make a simple RDSP deposit.  We have worked with major banks to help them breakthrough barriers so more Canadians can access the benefits of the RDSP.

We have raised accessibility standards in the government, supported the tenants of social housing, and continue to provide invaluable feedback for issues around transportation, health-care and education.

We have and continue to run our candidates in the provincial elections.  By doing so we create pressure on the major parties to listen to issues that are important to people with disabilities and seniors.  By raising issues, our ideas get heard, and sometimes implemented by other parties.

We are committed to making a difference for all families affected by family members with disabilities.  Our solutions benefit all of society.  We are removing barriers and empowering all Canadians to create the best opportunities they can for their lives.

We are the Party for People with Special Needs.  When we help people with disabilities, we are helping everybody.  Support our party.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

$20,000 to $90,000 available FREE!

Government supervised and regulated.
You deal with the major banks.

* must have or know someone with a disability and be resident in Ontario, Canada.
* must be under 49 years old to participate
* must be under 29 years old to get entire $90,000
* $20,000 Free even if no money is contributed at all to your program
* all contributed funds are guaranteed refundable by the major banks

Contact Dan King, 1-877-382-1986

Already we have helped families with disabilities receive over $2.4 Million!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


More independence for people with a developmental disability

Federal legislation on the proceeds of crime and money laundering has rendered 1.5 million Ontarians 16 years and older without a valid driver’s license, passport or other photo ID, incapable of  purchasing an insurance policy, opening a bank account, accessing government services, applying for work or opening a Registered Disability Savings Plan. However there is good news; the Ontario government has joined eight other provinces that offer a government issued Photo ID card that solves the ID dilemma. The card was designed with input from Ontarians with disabilities, seniors and advocacy groups. The card includes the cardholders name, photo, signature, address, gender and date of birth. The photo ID card mirrors the same features as a driver’s license to help prevent fraud and identity theft.

Similar to a driver’s license, the purple card has a clipped top-right hand corner that will help differentiate it from other cards in the holder’s wallet as well it has raised lettering on the card number. The Photo ID card will benefit people with a disability who want to access government and financial services that require proof of identity, such as cashing cheques, purchasing insurance, opening a new bank account, obtaining a credit card, boarding a domestic flight, returning merchandise to a store, obtaining hotel accommodations, renting a home, renting a video and signing a rental lease agreement. The Ontario government is working in conjunction with Elections Canada to ensure the card is accepted as proof of identity when voting.

David Carter-Whitney assistant deputy minister at the Ministry of community and social services says that “not having official identification can be a barrier to full participation in the community. Imagine getting a job, but finding out that you can’t complete the police check because you don’t have a driver’s license or passport” The new photo card will help people with disabilities to achieve greater independence and open doors to new opportunities.

The new government issued photo ID card can be obtained through any of the twenty-one Service Ontario centres across Ontario. It costs $35.00 and remains valid for five years. To find out where you can get a card:

•    Call toll-free 1 800 387-7095
•    Dial TTY toll-free at 1 800 268-7095
•    Or go to the Ministry of Transportation’s web site and search for “photo card” 

In addition “Development Services Ontario” is your access point for adult developmental services. Check out their web site for information and locations at . Watch their video and let Charlie show you how Developmental Services Ontario makes it easier for adults with a developmental disability and their families to apply for support.

Click here to find an Ontario Service Centre near you to obtain your Ontario I.D. card.

John.Dowson, Ch lp, is the Executive Director of LifeTRUST Planning, a national company that serves exceptional families across the country. 1 800 638-7256

Information “Spotlight on Transformation” bulletin: Development Services Ontario

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Prepared By:

LifeTRUST Planning © 60 Harrison Drive Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4P4 Tel:905-836-5460 Fax:905-836-5458 Toll Free 1(800) 638-7256 Email Web Site


Do I have to disinherit my child in order to keep his/her share from going to the government?

Absolutely not! There are currently acceptable estate planning procedures whereby your child can participate in the benefits of your estate. Familiarize yourself with these procedures before making a decision to disinherit your child.

How can I be reasonably certain that the share which I leave to my child will be appropriately expended, will be available throughout my child's lifetime, and will not make my child ineligible to receive government financial support programs?

In order to answer these questions, you must be familiar with the concept of a trust which is an estate planning tool by which one person has the authority to manage and invest the funds of another. There are only three parties to a Trust arrangement: (1) the Settlor; (2) the Trustee; and (3) the Beneficiary. The Settlor is the person with the assets who by agreement sets up the Trust. The Trustee is the person who receives the funds from the Settlor, invests them, and has the obligation of seeing to it that the terms of the Trust are carried out. The Beneficiary is the third party for whom the entire Trust Arrangement is created and for whom the benefits are intended. If the Trust is created or takes effect during your lifetime, it is referred to as a "Living Trust". It is most often created by a written agreement between the Settlor and the Trustee whereby the Trustee agrees to accept the terms of the Trust arrangement and administer it accordingly.

A trust arrangement may also be created in your Will in which case it is referred to as a Testamentary Trust. In this situation, the Trust is not created nor does it begin to operate until your death.

The term of the Trust (i.e., the instructions that you give to the Trustee for future operation of the Trust) may be as numerous and varied as your imagination permits in order to specifically tailor the Trust arrangement to achieve your intent. The freedom in designing your Trust arrangement is subject only to meeting certain guidelines or laws existing in the Province where the Trust is created and administered.

A typical Trust arrangement in its briefest form might be summarized as follows:

I give the sum of $25,000.00 (or 1/4 of my estate or 25% of my estate) to the no name Trust company, as Trustee, for the benefit of my son, John Smith, to be administered as follows: You may spend the principal, and/or income of the Trust for vacations and recreational activities for John Smith during his lifetime as you may deem advisable. You may not spend the assets of this Trust for his basic care and support which is being provided through government assistance programs. When my son dies, if there are any Trust assets left, give them to his brothers and sisters.

This Trust arrangement should meet most of your concerns. Since the no name Trust Company is obligated to abide by your wishes as set forth in your Trust, you can be reasonably assured that it will spend the money for vacations and recreational activities for your child and will refrain from spending the assets for his basic support and maintenance. The Trustee has no ulterior motives except to administer the Trust the way you have directed. As long as the money holds out, you can be assured that your child will be provided with vacation and recreational activities long after you death. In order to appreciate the final advantage of the Trust arrangement, you should be aware that the Trust may be structured in such a fashion so that the principal and income of the Trust estate is not considered to be the property of the beneficiary. After all, she/he is only entitled to receive what the Trustee decides to give her/him within the framework of the instructions you have given the Trustee. Furthermore, your child has only a lifetime interest in this trust and his brothers and sisters may expect to receive whatever is left in the Trust estate upon the death of the primary beneficiary. For these reasons, the government, or other creditors of your child, should no be able to reach the Trust assets to satisfy their claims. Since the law recognizes that the Trust assets, until distributed, are not the property of your child, those assets should not be taken into consideration in determining whether your child is eligible to receive government financial support such as Ontario Disability Support Program.

Can I achieve the same result by giving my child's share to my other children with instruction to use the money for the benefit of their sibling (morally obligated gift)? (Secret Trust)

This approach is full of dangers and traps which have absolutely nothing to do with the trustworthiness of your other children. With no formal Trust arrangement, your child's share might very well be commingled or mixed with the assets of your other children. Should the child holding the assets be involved in a divorce, your child with special needs' share might very well end up in the hands of your former son-in-law or daughter-in-law. An unexpected death could result in your child's share being included and distributed as part of someone else's estate, totally defeating your intentions. This arrangement may violate regulations under the Succession law Reform Act.

Who should I name as trustee? A Trust Company or a family member?

The Trustee may be a Trust company or an individual 18 years of age or older. The Trust company offers an element of stability and expertise in managing other people's assets. However, a Trust company trustee often lacks a personal relationship with your child and may be totally unaware of your child's particular needs. An individual family member has the benefit of the personal relationship and knowledge of your child's needs. On the other hand, if that family member does not live in the same area as your child, his/her value would be greatly diminished.

One solution would be to direct your Trust company trustee to confer with other family members regarding the needs of your child. Several alternatives are available, and you should thoroughly discuss the selection of the Trustee with your lawyer at the time the trust is created.

Are there lawyers available with special knowledge regarding estate planning for parents of children with special needs.

Yes, but you must be certain that the lawyer you select is aware of the unique aspects of planning for people with disabilities. You should be aware that the estate plans for people with special needs are unique and that most competent lawyers who are involved is estate planning should immediately recognize the situation. What they may lack is knowledge regarding the specific needs of your child. However, you can supply this information at the time of your estate planning conference.









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